Bowel Cleansing Instruction For Colonoscopy

Bowel Cleansing Instruction For Colonoscopy

Bowel Cleansing Instruction For Colonoscopy


You will be provided a paper at your consultation or by email that explains these instructions.

Day Before Procedure 7:00 AM - No Solid Food

You will start the clear liquid diet in the morning which consists of the following:

  • Broth or Bouilon (chicken, beef)
  • Plain Jello/Gelatin (no red or purple color)
  • Fruit Juices without pulp (Apple, White Cranberry, White Grape)
  • Coffee/Tea without milk or creamer (sugar is ok)
  • Clear carbonated soda (Sprite, Ginger Ale, 7-Up)
  • Ice Popsicles (dairy-free)
  • Fruit flavored drinks (Lemonade, Tang)
  • Sports drinks (Gatorade, Powerade)
  • Hard candy (no red or purple)
  • Sparkling water
  • Plain water

5:00 PM – Take 16 oz of the Suprep solution and drink 32 oz or 4 glasses of water over the next hour. The solution is an osmotic laxative that will make you have several bowel movements. The time that it will start working varies on the individual. You may feel bloated from the liquids and walking will help, but stay close to the bathroom. If drinking the Suprep solution makes you nauseated,, using a straw may help get in down. You may still continue drinking clear liquids until 10:00 pm.

Day of Procedure

Five (5) hours before your appointment- Drink the second dose of Suprep solution (16 oz) and follow it with 2 glasses of water. You may have 1 or 2 bowel movements from it and you are ready for the exam. It is important that you DO NOT drink anymore liquids at this point to avoid any complication during the procedure.

You may take your blood pressure, asthma and heart medication in the morning of the exam with a little sip of water.